FM Group Newsletter
Winter 2023
Welcome to the Winter edition of our newsletter.
I can’t remember a more volatile few months for the Forestry sector. Changes to government policy, around the ETS and a drop in both export and domestic demand, has created a lot of uncertainty for forest owners and those working in the industry.
The price of NZUs had a massive drop after the government tightened ETS settings in December 2022. Carbon unit prices plummeted from a high of over $80 per NZU to around $35. When faced with uncertainty investors react not only by selling down carbon, but also by not proceeding with planned planting in some cases. This had the potential for serious consequences for the sector, but also on NZ meeting it’s emission targets and more importantly doing something to reduce our impact on climate change. The government recently announced a reset of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) auction settings to stabilise the carbon market. This saw the price shoot up to $65 before coming back, as the opportunity was taken to sell NZUs. This will help restore forest owners confidence in the ETS and encourage new planting to continue however there is still the risk that future ETS reform could erode this.
Forestry is being treated like a political football as we head towards the election. It’s a long term business, and we need stable government policies to enable forest owners and processors to continue to invest to maximise the benefit for NZ.
In times like these it’s more important than ever to focus on what you can control. Whether it’s looking to plant up a block, managing your ETS opportunities or looking to harvest your block of trees, it pays to get the best professional advice available.
Craig McMiken
Log Market Update
Headwinds continue to hit our industry on all fronts. With both of the major political parties looking to tinker with the ETS and limit planting, we face an uncertain future.
Likewise, the heady days of log export are certainly looking under pressure. The crucial China market appears to be undergoing a structural change, with apartments being overstocked and construction very subdued. The market hit rock bottom in June with A Grade logs selling for $USD105 CFR, some $USD30 down on April pricing. There are some glimmers of hope with August pricing expectations around $115. Freight rates continues to be under the pump with a slower global economy, forecasters are looking at $USD25-$27 to ship from North Island ports into China.
All other countries looking to supply cannot withstand this level of pricing and as a result log inventory in China is dropping. There has been significant investment in sawmilling in South America, limiting available export logs for when there is some improvement.
Domestic processors are also feeling the pinch, with the housing boom running out of steam. There has been significant competition for timber sales and mills are now running reduced shifts. There is some hope that New Zealand may shake off this lethargy after the election and that the record immigration levels may kick start construction again.
One opportunity that has opened up recently has been to supply Macrocarpa logs into China for coffins. FML was approached by an old friend – Gordon Coles and together the business has started out of Christchurch. The first block harvested was for a long standing client – Murray Robb and this order was completed in early July.
Murray Robb with Gordon Coles in the forest
Introducing Forever Forests
Forest Management Group is proud to introduce their new addition – Forever Forests.
Forever Forests is a native forestry company that specialises in registering native and mixed forest areas into the Emissions Trading Scheme.
We encourage any landowners with native forest areas to contact us for a free initial assessment.
What we do
We help landowners protect and regenerate native forest, and get paid for it!
Free land assessments
Land planting
Get you a sustainable income
ETS registration & carbon trading
We can help you navigate the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
We can take you through our full ETS registration process that includes land assessment, site visits and projected revenue assessments.
Why Forever Forests
Our team may be small, but we are mighty, and growing. We are a passionate, friendly, and knowledgeable group with over 100 years of experience between us in the forestry industry to back us up.
We know a thing or two about trees, land regeneration, carbon credits, and the Emission Trading Scheme and can guide you through the process, tailoring a plan that suits you.
Our goal is to increase native forests in New Zealand and we are looking for like -minded landowners who also want to do good, creating forever forests.
Protecting and planting more trees has so many positive benefits for our land and our people as it reduces the carbon in the air, helping with the world’s fight against climate change.
Get in touch
021 471 374
Emissions Trading Scheme – Carbon Price Update
The ETS is a market-based policy tool designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by putting a price on pollution. Participants are required to buy carbon credits (NZUs) to offset their emissions. Each NZU equates to 1 tonne of carbon dioxide.
NZUs started 2023 at a lower level than those seen last year with the NZU price declining into the mid-low $30 range. The carbon market weakness was driven by Cabinet's decision to not follow the advice of the Climate Change Commission and to not adopt the higher auction price limits, political uncertainty, increased supply from sellers and recent consultations suggesting potential changes to the ETS.
However, during July, the NZUs market was rallied by news of the judgement by the High Court in favour of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ. The market has since rebounded and has settled at around $50 per NZU.
The Lawyers for Climate Action NZ filed High Court proceedings against the Minister for Climate Change to seek a ‘judicial review’ of Cabinet’s decisions about the NZ ETS settings in late 2022.
A judicial review asks the High Court to assess whether the Minister upheld the law when making the decision about the NZ ETS settings. They claimed the government had failed to consider the emissions budgets and NDC when making their decision.
These legal proceedings were set to go to court, but they have now been stopped because James Shaw accepted that the Lawyers for Climate Action NZ were correct in their claim. The government has consequently accepted the 2024-28 CCC recommendations for auction unit limits and price control settings. These changes include the following:
A significantly increased trigger price for the Cost Containment Reserve (CCR).
A two-tier cost containment reserve trigger price will also be introduced in the December 2023 auction. The first-tier containment reserve trigger price will increase from $82 to $173 in the December auction.
Increased Auction Floor Price.
The auction price floor settings will rise from the current level of $33.06 to $60 in December 2023.
Decreased NZU supply at auction.
The 2023 auction volume decreases from the current level of 17.9m NZUs to 15m NZUs.
Longer term, the fundamentals point towards a higher carbon price being needed to drive the emission reduction change required to meet the 2030 and 2050 goals. The recent acceptance of the CCC recommendations aligns with this and has set a pathway of an increasing price for NZUs supplied from the government auctions.
If you have any questions, please give Adrian a call on 027 266 0414.
Establishment 2023 Update
The winter planting season is tracking well as we come to the end of July. This year is our largest planting season to date, coming in at approximately 7,000 ha spread across the regions:
North Island 940 ha
Nelson/Marlborough 560 ha
North Canterbury/West Coast 1,600 ha
South Canterbury 1,500 ha
Otago 1,400 ha
Southland 950 ha
Roughly 92% of our establishment is greenfield, with the vast majority intended as production timber forest. Our 2023 establishment programme is estimated to sequester approximately 2.1 million tonnes of CO2 by 2040, and produce 3.4 million tonnes of sustainable wood products at harvest.
It has been a busy summer of grazing, land prep and spraying to ensure all sites were ready to go for the start of winter. Having sites well prepared for establishment is essential for ensuring a good strike in seedlings. A wet few months leading up to planting has resulted in wet ground conditions, causing access to be somewhat challenging in some sites. It is fantastic to have contractors who are actively engaging with health and safety conversations and procedures to ensure everyone out in the hills is safe.
We have even managed to get Glenn Moir out for a day of plotting to remind him of his glory days.
It will be a busy spring for spraying all the blocks, with a combination of crews on the ground spot spraying, and choppers in the air to get through the programme.
From the Backpage
Mission accomplished
Jana and Louise have done us proud by participating in the Rotorua Marathon on 6th May. They defied the wet and windy weather, together with their buddies from Trimble. Together with Trimble they raised $1,185 for Child Cancer Foundation. Thanks everyone for the support!
After previously working with Trimble to roll out our LIMS (Log Information Management System) in August 2021, we re-engaged with them to make the big switch from the old paper bush dockets to a fancy new paperless e-docket.
Our Systems team have spent the better part of the last 12 months developing our e-docket form, training and rolling out the final product.
The switch to e-dockets means that information for these loads is available as soon as it is collected from the logging crew, providing quicker and more accurate data for harvesting blocks.
We are very proud to be staying ahead of the times – helping us to maintain our vision of “Best service for the best clients.”
Previous issues
Spring 2022 Newsletter
In this issue: Log Market Update, ETS – Carbon Price Update, ETS – Key Updates, Canterbury West Coast Wood Council Awards
Winter 2022 Newsletter
In this issue: Log Market Update, ETS – Carbon Price Update, Cancer Society Tranz Alpine Scooter Safari